Green Olive Productions

"Homeland Insecurity" is a three part series exploring the intersection of narrative, politics, faith,

and power that leads to the current reality of inequality.

Homeland Insecurity


The ancient port city of Jaffa is a historical center of Palestinian life that developed for centuries along the coastal harbor. Yahav Zohar explains the dramatic changes the city underwent following the advent of Zionism, the founding of Tel Aviv, and the depopulation of the city in 1948.

Homeland Insecurity

Nov. '20 - JERUSALEM

Jerusalem is the sacred center of faith, narrative, peoplehood, and collective identity for Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Israel claims it is the undivided capital of the state, but the separate legal status and unequal access of Palestinians to resources, rights, and dignity tell a different story.

Homeland Insecurity


The policies of Israel are designed to drive Palestinians in Area C of the West Bank off their agricultural lands and into more contained areas. See how the attempt of the army to make life untenable in the Jordan Valley affects daily reality and severely impacts the wellbeing of Palestinian residents.